Blogs > Lighten Up with Jane

Jane Darcangelo of Willowick is committed to a change in her life. "I can't do anything about my age, but I can do something about my weight. This is the year to do that something!"

Friday, May 23, 2014

A good feeling!

I never realized how my clothes were purchased according to how well it hid my weight, not according to the style of the clothing.  Everything I own is baggy and long to hide as much of me as possible.  My big dilemma now is having to shop for a more stylish wardrobe, but what a dilemma to have, huh?  I put on a pair of jeans yesterday that I used to have to squeeze myself into while laying on my bed, zipping them up.  Now I can actually take them off without even unzipping them!  That was a good feeling!


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