Blogs > Lighten Up with Jane

Jane Darcangelo of Willowick is committed to a change in her life. "I can't do anything about my age, but I can do something about my weight. This is the year to do that something!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hello there!  Just wondering when I will receive my prize for coming in 3rd place in the Lighten Up contest?  I believe it is a gift certificate for $100 to Second Sole Shoe store in Mentor?
Thank you very much,
Jane Darcangelo
(440) 487-4884

Thursday, July 17, 2014

the end is near!

I used to hate clothes shopping with a passion.  Looking in that mirror was so depressing.  I used to walk out of the dressing room determined to lose weight but I never stuck to a plan.  I needed this program.  I can't thank the News Herald enough.  My wallet is not as happy as it used to be but I can live with that!  I moved all my fat clothes out of my closet and I plan to never revisit them!  I believe once you make up your mind to do something, you can do anything.  Eating small snacks throughout the day kept me full so I never over ate at meal times.  I don't eat after 7pm.  That's not hard for me at all because I am so used to getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym, I go to bed around 8:30 at night.  Party animal, aren't I?  Don't care, I'm very happy these days!  Thank you Lighten Up!

Friday, July 11, 2014

close to the end

When we started this program, the end seemed so far away and here it is almost upon us.  I  keep striving to stay on track and have to admit that it is still hard getting up so early to work out, but I feel that is what is working the best for me.  I also feel that I would do better if someone made my healthy meals for me on a daily basis.  That is what first place should be!.....someone to cook for you for a month!

Friday, July 4, 2014

One more weigh in to go!

I know I blogged that I was going to drink a gallon of water a day, but do you realize how hard that really is to do?  It's hard to even remember to drink the water.  If I had a gallon jug at my desk, it might have helped, but having a job really gets in the way of the things I want to accomplish on a daily basis! lol..... If I could hang the jug around my neck, that probably would have helped!  My dark circles are still there along with my cellulite....but I have been running to the bathroom more often!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

day of weigh in

Well, today is the second to the last weigh in.  I don't really think I lost much this month, if anything.  I will be happy just to have not gained anything.  We went to a concert last night, meeting up at a friend's house first, eating and drinking, etc, but in the back of my mind I knew I had my weigh in today, so I really watched.  But what is going to happen when there are no more weigh ins? Being held accountable really helps.  The time after the contest will be the real challenge! Good luck to everyone!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

no diet

Someone just told me that I looked great and asked if I was still dieting.  It made me feel good to tell her I have never been on a diet, that I have just changed my eating habits.  There was a never a list of foods I could eat and ones I couldn't.  I eat whatever I want, I just make better choices and if it's something irresistable, that I just have to have....I eat less of it.  I still try to excercise almost every day.  One of the trainers at the gym even said I was looking good!  I have never felt better in my life and am so thankful for this contest.  It gave me the jump start I needed and keeps me accountable with the weigh ins.  Just have to say I am a little nervous about not having the weigh ins when this contest is over. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blog of the day

I recently read on facebook where a woman drank a gallon of water a day for a month and recorded her findings.  Turned out that she lost some wrinkles on her face and dark circles under her eyes. Her bowel habits improved and her energy levels rose.  Also, her cellulite disappeared!  I plan on doing my own study starting today.  Wonder how many times a day I will be running to the bathroom!