Blogs > Lighten Up with Jane
Jane Darcangelo of Willowick is committed to a change in her life. "I can't do anything about my age, but I can do something about my weight. This is the year to do that something!"
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Having a 3 day holiday weekend is very bad for the diet. Too much partying and eating with reckless abandon. I have to buckle down before the next weigh in. I have to stay on track. I fell off the wagon but will get right back on the horse!
Friday, May 23, 2014
A good feeling!
I never realized how my clothes were purchased according to how well it hid my weight, not according to the style of the clothing. Everything I own is baggy and long to hide as much of me as possible. My big dilemma now is having to shop for a more stylish wardrobe, but what a dilemma to have, huh? I put on a pair of jeans yesterday that I used to have to squeeze myself into while laying on my bed, zipping them up. Now I can actually take them off without even unzipping them! That was a good feeling!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Losing my mind!
Along with losing weight, I think I am losing brain cells. Just went back and read my latest blog and I see I did mention the color run! And I can't even blame it on too much beer this time! Possibly a lack of sleep could be causing this too. I promise to be on top of my game next blog!
I forgot to mention that Anna and I did the color run last Saturday! Notice that I typed "did" and not "run." My knees couldn't hold up the rest of my body even though I would love to have said we ran the color run. I have to say that I am happy I participated and we did jog across the finish line. I couldn' t believe all the people that were there! It didn't rain and although a little chilly, it was a perfect day and so much fun! My shoes and bra will never be the white agan, but I can live with that. My husband wants to come with us next year. I have a feeling I should bring a wheel barrow just in case, though.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
another blog
Had so much fun at the Color Run yesterday and could not believe the turn out!! Since joining this contest and going to the gym almost every day since, 5K was a piece of cake! Of course I didn't run it except to cross the finish line, I was happy I completed it without even being tired. I am still trying to get all the color out of my fingernails and ears, it was a blast! The weather wasn't great, but at least it didn't rain!
Next week I plan on adding some strength training to my regime. I have been only doing the treadmill and elliptical so far. Might as well use the Y membership !
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Well, we are halfway through the challange and I am halfway to my goal weight. This contest really opened my eyes to how bad my eating habits were and how strong my will power is! You don't actually realize how fat you look until you see pictures comparing then to now. I sincerely hope I don't ever go back to then. Good luck to everyone and stay strong!